Your horse & you

To give you the most accurate quote for your horse please answer each question to the best of your knowledge. Any incorrect information provided could result in a claim not being paid or may affect the cover we provide you. Cover may be provided for some pre-existing conditions. Petplan Equine cannot provide advice or any personal recommendation about the insurance products offered.

About your horse
You've reached the maximum number of characters
Please enter your horse's stable name
Enter your horse's stable name. If this is the same as their registered name, please enter the registered name for both stable name and registered name.
You've reached the maximum number of characters
Please choose a breed from the list or select undefined or crossbreed
Please enter your horse's breed
Start typing your horse’s breed and then select from the list presented. If your horse’s breed is not displayed, try typing an alternative or select 'Undefined breed' or 'Crossbreed' if still not present.
Please choose a colour from the list
Please enter your horse's colour
Start typing your horse’s colour and then select from the list presented.
Please select your horse's age
Choose your horse's age from the list. Petplan Horse Insurance is available for horses from 30 days to 19 years old. For older horses please get a quote for Petplan Equine Veteran Insurance.
Please select your horse's sex
Please enter your horse's height in hands and inches e.g. 15.2
Please enter your horse's height in hands and inches e.g. 15.2
Enter your horse's height in hands and inches. For example, if your horse is 15 hands and 2 inches enter 15.2.
Do you own or loan {{horse_Form.aboutYourHorse.stableName}}?
Please select either 'Own' or 'On loan'
Select the date you purchased your horse or, if on loan, the loan start date. If your horse is homebred, enter their date of birth.
Please enter the purchase price of your horse to the nearest pound
This is the price that you paid for your horse irrespective of current market value. If your horse is homebred or was a gift then please enter 0.

Because your horse's current value is over £5000 to insure your horse with Petplan Equine you will be required to provide a vetting certificate (which is no older than 30 days). This may be a BVA Mortality Certificate or a 5 stage vetting depending on what cover you choose. If we don't receive this within 14 days all cover for {{horse_Form.aboutYourHorse.stableName || 'your horse' }} will be cancelled on that date.

We'll need you to send us a BVA Mortality Certificate which is no older than 30 days at the time your cover starts. We understand your vet may not be able to complete all the stages of a BVA Mortality Certificate. In this case, your vet should do what they can and confirm what wasn't done on the vetting certificate. If we don't receive this within 14 days all cover for {{horse_Form.aboutYourHorse.stableName || 'your horse'}} will be cancelled.

We'll need a copy of {{horse_Form.aboutYourHorse.stableName || 'your horse'}}'s veterinary history confirming they've been seen by a vet within the last 30 days before your cover starts. If we don't receive this within 14 days all cover for {{horse_Form.aboutYourHorse.stableName || 'your horse'}} will be cancelled.

To continue online the current value must be between £350 and £10000. If your horse has a value over £10000 please call us on 0330 102 1614.
To continue online the current value must not have reduced by more than 25% since he/she was purchased. If your horse’s value is now lower than this please call us on 0330 102 1614.
Please enter the current value of your horse
This should represent the current market value of your horse. Over time a horse’s value can change, so this may not be the same as the purchase price. It’s important the current value is accurate, otherwise it could affect a claim or the cover we provide.
Choose activity group
For horses aged under 1

Cover for foals falls into activity group 3. As your horse is aged under 1 year, you will be covered for activities in groups 1-3. If you intend to use your horse for any activities in groups 4-6, please select the appropriate group:

Select the highest group that contains an activity you will be participating in with {{horse_Form.aboutYourHorse.stableName || 'your horse'}}. This will then also include the lower level activity groups.

Groups 3-6 cover schooling your horse for the activities listed in the activity group, to be covered for schooling for an activity you must choose the group for that activity.

{{a.text}} - (includes group 1 activities) - (includes group 1 & 2 activities) - (includes group 1,2 & 3 activities) - (includes group 1,2,3 & 4 activities) - (includes group 1,2,3,4 & 5 activities)
  • {{groups}}.
Please select the highest group that contains Activities you will be participating in with your horse.
Please select the highest group that contains activities you will be participating in with your horse.
Veterinary Fee cover

At Petplan Equine all our products will cover you for the value of your horse if they die due to an injury or illness.

You can also choose cover for veterinary fees. Our Veterinary Fees benefit covers the cost of diagnostic investigation, treatment and complementary treatment recommended by a vet as a result of an injury or illness for up to 12 months or your chosen benefit.

Would you also like to add cover for the cost of veterinary treatment?

Veterinary Fees
(£145 excess) (£500 excess)
Please select the vets fees you would like

Every horse deserves Petplan Equine

  • Illness cover up to 25 years for horses insured before 20
  • Cover for vet recommended MRI and diagnostic investigation
  • Nearly £1 million paid out in claims every month
  • Simple fixed excess
  • 0% APR - spread your payments at no extra cost
  • Great special offers for Petplan Equine customers
About you
Please select your title
Please enter your first name
Please enter your last name
You've reached the maximum number of characters
Please enter your email address
Please enter a valid email address
Please provide your email address. We will email your quote to you.

We will send your policy documents to this address

You've reached the maximum number of characters
Please enter your preferred contact number
Please enter a valid telephone number
Please provide your contact number so we can contact you for service related queries about your policy
Please enter your postcode
Please enter a valid postcode
This postcode cannot be found. Please check and try again or enter your full address details below
Please enter your house name or number
This field contains invalid characters
Please enter your street name
This field contains invalid characters
This field contains invalid characters
Please enter your town or city
This field contains invalid characters
This field contains invalid characters

Once you've got your quote, we'll send you confirmation of the details. Look out for this in your inbox.

Opt Out Selections

We will not share your details with any third party organisations for marketing purposes.

Your information may be used to provide you with a quotation, deal with your policy or to help us improve our products and services by including your details in customer surveys. This information is also used to determine the terms on which we offer cover, and to provide you with renewal quotations. Any false or inaccurate information you provide will be recorded.

Information you provide to us will be held in accordance with our Privacy and Legal Policy.

Inaccurate information could result in a claim not being paid or may affect the cover we provide for your horse.

Your quote
Horse Insurance for {{horse_Form.aboutYourHorse.stableName}}

Included in your quote
Tailor your policy - Optional Benefits

If you would like to add additional benefits to your policy please select the options you require and click the ‘Update your quote’ button.


This benefit covers the cost of veterinary treatment required to treat illness and injury, including complementary treatments specifically recommended by your vet. Each condition is covered up to the maximum Veterinary Fees limit you've selected for a period of 12 months. This benefit does not provide cover for any illness or injury that occurred before the start of the policy.

If your horse causes damage or injury and you are legally responsible, this covers the legal costs and expenses and the claimant's compensation.

In the event of a claim for damage to property the policyholder is responsible for paying the first £250.

The personal accident benefit provides cover for injury or death for you, or anyone else aged 5-75 years old riding or handling your horse with your permission.

  Standard Superior
Death £10,000 £20,000
Permanently blind in one or both eyes £10,000 £20,000
Loss of one or both hands or arms £10,000 £20,000
Loss one or both feet or legs £10,000 £20,000
Permanent total disability
(If as a result of the accident you will never be able to carry out any type of work)
£10,000 £20,000
Temporary total disability
(If as a result of the accident you cannot carry out all the duties of your job)
n/a £100 per week
Dental treatment Up to £1,000 Up to £1,000
Hospital benefit (per 24 hours) n/a £50

We offer 100% Loss of Use. This means if an illness or injury permanently prevents your horse participating in one of their insured activities, we’ll pay their value at the point the illness or injury happened (minus the amount they’re still worth based on what they’re capable of doing).

This benefit pays up to £400 towards the cost to remove and dispose of your horse’s body following death or euthanasia, provided you have a valid Death claim. The Death benefit is automatically included in your policy.

This benefit provides cover for your horse trailer or horse-drawn vehicle. If your vehicle is damaged, we will pay the cost of repair. If the repair costs exceed the market value, or the item is stolen or destroyed, we will pay the market value (up to the sum insured).

Also includes £1 million cover if your horse trailer or horse-drawn vehicle causes damage or injury and you're legally responsible, this covers the legal costs and expenses and the claimant's compensation.

A £250 excess applies in the event of a claim.

This benefit covers your saddlery and tack in the case of damage or theft. The minimum level of cover for this benefit is £1,000. If you estimate that the replacement value of your saddlery and tack is more than £1,000, please select additional cover to the nearest £500.

If your saddlery and tack is stolen or destroyed, we will cover the cost to replace as brand new. If your saddlery and tack is damaged we will either pay the cost of repair or, if the repair costs are more than the item is worth, we will cover the cost to replace as brand new.

In order for us to pay over £400 for an item of saddlery or tack you must have formal proof of purchase for that item (receipt or saddler's valuation).

A £100 excess applies in the event of a claim.
Trailer or horse-drawn vehicle

This benefit provides cover for your horse trailer or horse-drawn vehicle. If your vehicle is damaged, we will pay the cost of repair. If the repair costs exceed the market value, or the item is stolen or destroyed, we will pay the market value (up to the sum insured).

Also includes £1 million cover if your horse trailer or horse-drawn vehicle causes damage or injury and you're legally responsible, this covers the legal costs and expenses and the claimant's compensation.

A £250 excess applies in the event of a claim.

Your horse trailer or horse drawn vehicle is only covered when left unattended if our security requirements are met. ?

Please enter the current market value of your vehicle, up to a maximum of £10,000. The current value must be equal to or less than the purchase price. If your vehicle is damaged, we will pay the cost of repair. If the repair costs exceed the market value, or if the item is stolen or destroyed, we will pay the market value (up to the current value).
Your Chassis code can be found cut into your trailer / horse drawn vehicle drawbar.
Your serial number is the last 6 or 7 digits on your vehicle identification number that can usually be found in your trailer documentation or on your type plate.
Before you continue
Please answer yes or no

We′ll need to speak with you before we can let you know if we can provide cover for Third Party Liability and/or Personal Accident for {{horse_Form.aboutYourHorse.stableName}}. You have 2 options:

1. Remove Third Party Liability and/or Personal Accident

You can carry on with your application online if you remove the Third Party Liability and/or Personal Accident cover from your quote; you′ll notice the price will reduce.

You can call us at any time to talk to us about adding the cover to your policy.

2. Talk to us

0330 102 1614

Mon to Fri 8am to 8pm

Please answer yes or no

We will need to speak with you before we can let you know if we can provide cover for Third Party Liability and/or Personal Accident for {{horse_Form.aboutYourHorse.stableName}}. You have 2 options:

1. Remove Third Party Liability and/or Personal Accident

You can carry on with your application online and we'll remove the Third Party Liability and/or Personal Accident cover from your quote; you will notice the price will reduce.

Remove cover

You can call us at any time to talk to us about adding the cover to your policy.

2. Talk to us

0330 102 1614

Mon to Fri 8am to 6pm

Please answer yes or no

We will need to speak with you before we can let you know if we can provide cover for Third Party Liability and/or Personal Accident for {{horse_Form.aboutYourHorse.stableName}}. You have 2 options:

1. Remove Third Party Liability and/or Personal Accident

You can carry on with your application online and we'll remove the Third Party Liability and/or Personal Accident cover from your quote; you will notice the price will reduce.

Remove cover

You can call us at any time to talk to us about adding the cover to your policy.

2. Talk to us

0330 102 1614

Mon to Fri 8am to 6pm

Inaccurate information could result in a claim not being paid or may affect the cover we provide for your horse.

Important Cover Information

The product you have chosen will cover:

  • The value of their horse if he/she dies due to an injury or illness
  • The costs of veterinary treatment for illnesses and injuries affecting your horse for 12 month only up to with a

The product you have chosen will cover:

  • The value of their horse if he/she dies due to an injury or illness

Are you happy that this Equine plan meets your needs?

Save and review

Saved - Your quote has been saved and has been emailed to you. You may retrieve your quote from our website later using the quote reference, postcode and date of birth

Further information

Vetting requirements

To insure your horse with Petplan Equine with the cover you have selected, you will be required to provide a BVA Mortality Certificate. This is because your horse is valued in excess of £5000. You will have 14 days to supply us with a copy of your veterinary certificate which must not be older than 30 days. If we do not receive this within 14 days all cover for this horse will be cancelled on that date.

If you do have your vetting please send it to us via email

Vetting requirements

To insure your horse with Petplan Equine with the cover you have selected, you will be required to provide a BVA 5 Stage Veterinary Certificate. This is because your horse’s value is over £2500 and you have chosen to include loss of use in our policy. You will have 14 days to supply us with a copy of your veterinary certificate which must not be older than 30 days. If we do not receive this within 14 days all cover for this horse will be cancelled on that date.

If you do have your vetting please send it to us via email

Vetting requirements

To insure your foal with Petplan Equine, we need you to send us a BVA Mortality Certificate which is no older than 30 days at the time your cover starts. We understand your foal may not be able to complete all the stages of a BVA Mortality Certificate. In this case, your vet should do what they can and confirm what wasn't done on the vetting certificate.

You'll have 14 days to supply us with a copy of this.

If we don't receive this within 14 days all cover for this horse will be cancelled.

Please send this to us via email

To insure your foal with Petplan Equine, we need them to have been seen by a vet within the last 30 days before your cover starts. You'll have 14 days to supply us a copy of their veterinary history confirming this.

If we don't receive this within 14 days all cover for this horse will be cancelled.

Please send a copy of the veterinary history to us via email

Questions about {{horse_Form.aboutYourHorse.stableName}}

To be able to provide you with cover for {{horse_Form.aboutYourHorse.stableName}} we need to ask you some important questions. Please provide us with all the information you are aware of. If any of the information is incorrect this could affect the cover we provide or result in a claim not being paid.

Please answer yes or no

As you have previously had your horse vetted, you will be required to provide a copy of this veterinary certificate within the next 14 days or your policy and all cover for this horse will be cancelled. You can send a copy by emailing it to us at We'll provide these details to you again in your confirmation email.

Please answer yes or no

{{200 - horse_Form.underwritingQuestion.illnessInjurytrue.length - (horse_Form.underwritingQuestion.illnessInjurytrue.length ? horse_Form.underwritingQuestion.illnessInjurytrue.split("\n").length-1 : 0) + ' characters remaining'}}

Please enter details
Please answer yes or no
Please answer yes or no

{{200 - horse_Form.underwritingQuestion.seenByVetCheckuptrue.length - (horse_Form.underwritingQuestion.seenByVetCheckuptrue.length ? horse_Form.underwritingQuestion.seenByVetCheckuptrue.split("\n").length-1 : 0) + ' characters remaining'}}

Please enter details
Please answer yes or no

{{200 - horse_Form.underwritingQuestion.vicestrue.length - (horse_Form.underwritingQuestion.vicestrue.length ? horse_Form.underwritingQuestion.vicestrue.split("\n").length-1 : 0) + ' characters remaining'}}

Please enter details
Please answer yes or no

{{25 - horse_Form.underwritingQuestion.insuredElsewheretrue.length - (horse_Form.underwritingQuestion.insuredElsewheretrue.length ? horse_Form.underwritingQuestion.insuredElsewheretrue.split("\n").length-1 : 0) + ' characters remaining'}}

Please enter details
Please answer yes or no

{{80 - horse_Form.underwritingQuestion.insuranceClaimtrue.length - (horse_Form.underwritingQuestion.insuranceClaimtrue.length ? horse_Form.underwritingQuestion.insuranceClaimtrue.split("\n").length-1 : 0) + ' characters remaining'}}

Please enter details
Please answer yes or no

{{80 - horse_Form.underwritingQuestion.termsExclPrevInsurancetrue.length - (horse_Form.underwritingQuestion.termsExclPrevInsurancetrue.length ? horse_Form.underwritingQuestion.termsExclPrevInsurancetrue.split("\n").length-1 : 0) + ' characters remaining'}}

Please enter details
Please answer yes or no

{{25 - horse_Form.underwritingQuestion.renewDeclinedCancelledtrue.length - (horse_Form.underwritingQuestion.renewDeclinedCancelledtrue.length ? horse_Form.underwritingQuestion.renewDeclinedCancelledtrue.split("\n").length-1 : 0) + ' characters remaining'}}

Please enter details
Please answer yes or no

{{25 - horse_Form.underwritingQuestion.applicationDeclinedtrue.length - (horse_Form.underwritingQuestion.applicationDeclinedtrue.length ? horse_Form.underwritingQuestion.applicationDeclinedtrue.split("\n").length-1 : 0) + ' characters remaining'}}

Please enter details
Please answer yes or no

{{118 - horse_Form.underwritingQuestion.lostStolenTratrue.length - (horse_Form.underwritingQuestion.lostStolenTratrue.length ? horse_Form.underwritingQuestion.lostStolenTratrue.split("\n").length-1 : 0) + ' characters remaining'}}

Please enter details
Please answer yes or no

{{118 - horse_Form.underwritingQuestion.lostStolenSadtrue.length - (horse_Form.underwritingQuestion.lostStolenSadtrue.length ? horse_Form.underwritingQuestion.lostStolenSadtrue.split("\n").length-1 : 0) + ' characters remaining'}}

Please enter details

If {{horse_Form.aboutYourHorse.stableName}} was ill or injured at any time before the start of your insurance, we may not cover costs relating to that illness or injury (even where the signs are minor and an illness hasn't been diagnosed by a vet). We will review the information you have provided and confirm on your Certificate of Insurance at the start of your policy whether we are able to provide cover or not for future occurrences of these or related conditions. You can continue to purchase online or if you would like to discuss the cover we can provide before buying your policy, please call 0330 102 1614.

Review & confirm
Review and confirm

Here's a summary of your personalised quote, including all options you have selected. Please check these carefully and amend if necessary.

Horse insurance for {{horse_Form.aboutYourHorse.stableName}}

Included in your quote:
Edit your quote
Demands and needs
Important information
Demands and needs - Who is this product suitable for?

The product you have chosen meets the demands and needs of a person who wants to cover:

  • The value of their horse if he/she dies due to an injury or illness
  • The costs of veterinary treatment for illnesses and injuries affecting their horse and who wants each illness and injury to be covered for 12 months only
Demands and needs - Who is this product suitable for?

The product you have chosen meets the demands and needs of a person who wants to cover:

  • The value of their horse if he/she dies due to an injury or illness

Horse Insurance

Demands and needs - Who is this product suitable for?

The product you have chosen meets the demands and needs of a person who wants to cover:

  • The value of their horse if he/she dies due to an injury or illness
  • The costs of veterinary treatment for illnesses and injuries affecting their horse and who wants each illness and injury to be covered for 12 months only

You can save and print this information

Demands and needs - Who is this product suitable for?

This product meets the demands and needs of a person who wants to cover:

  • The value of their horse if he/she dies due to an injury or illness

You can save and print this information

Included in your quote

{{quote.title | replaceCurrency}}
{{cover.title | replaceCurrency}}
{{cover.advisory | replaceCurrency}}

Important information

It is important to us that you fully understand your cover. Please read:

  • Your Insurance Product Information Document which provides a summary of your cover
  • The Terms and Conditions

Optional benefits

Your additional benefits added to your policy

Third Party Liability: {{ quotes.quotes[0].optionalCovers.covers[1].options[0].text | replaceCurrency }}
Third Party Liability: {{ quotes.quotes[0].optionalCovers.covers[1].options[1].text | replaceCurrency }}
Third Party Liability: {{ quotes.quotes[0].optionalCovers.covers[1].options[2].text | replaceCurrency }}
Personal Accident: {{ quotes.quotes[0].optionalCovers.covers[2].options[0].text | replaceCurrency }}
Personal Accident: {{ quotes.quotes[0].optionalCovers.covers[2].options[1].text | replaceCurrency }}
Loss Of Use: {{ quotes.quotes[0].optionalCovers.covers[3].options[0].text | replaceCurrency }}
Loss Of Use: {{ quotes.quotes[0].optionalCovers.covers[3].options[1].text | replaceCurrency }}
Disposal cover: {{ quotes.quotes[0].optionalCovers.covers[4].options[0].text | replaceCurrency }}
Saddlery and tack cover: £{{ quotes.quotes[0].optionalCovers.covers[5].defaultValue }} (A £100 excess applies in the event of a claim)
Trailer cover: Type of vehicle: {{ horse_Form.horseQuote.trailerCoverData.vehicleType.text }}, Make of vehicle: {{ horse_Form.horseQuote.trailerCoverData.vehicleMake }}, Model of vehicle: {{ horse_Form.horseQuote.trailerCoverData.vehicleModel }}, Purchase price: £{{ horse_Form.horseQuote.trailerCoverData.purchasePrice }}, Current value: £{{ horse_Form.horseQuote.trailerCoverData.sumInsured }}

Your quote

Includes {{quotes.quotes[0].discount}} cover

Monthly or Annually
£{{quotes.quotes[0].firstMonthlyPremium | number: 2}}£{{quotes.quotes[0].monthlyPremium | number: 2}}   £{{quotes.quotes[0].annualPremium | number: 2}}

First payment of £{{quotes.quotes[0].firstMonthlyPremium | number: 2}} followed by {{quotes.quotes[0].numberOfSuccessiveInstallments}} monthly instalments of £{{quotes.quotes[0].monthlyPremium | number: 2}} (0% APR)
All premiums quoted include Insurance Premium Tax (IPT).

Demands and needs - Who is this product suitable for?

This product meets the demands and needs of a person who wants to cover:

  • The value of their horse if he/she dies due to an injury or illness
  • The costs of veterinary treatment for illnesses and injuries affecting their horse and who wants each illness and injury to be covered for 12 months only

You can save and print this information

Demands and needs - Who is this product suitable for?

This product meets the demands and needs of a person who wants to cover:

  • The value of their horse if he/she dies due to an injury or illness

You can save and print this information

Review and confirm

Here's a summary of your personalised quote, including all options you have selected.

About {{ horse_Form.aboutYourHorse.stableName }}

Stable name: {{horse_Form.aboutYourHorse.stableName}}
Registered name: {{horse_Form.aboutYourHorse.registeredName}}
Breed: {{horse_Form.aboutYourHorse.horseBreeddisplay}}
Colour: {{horse_Form.aboutYourHorse.horseColordisplay}}
Age: {{horse_Form.aboutYourHorse.horseAge.text}}
Sex: {{horse_Form.aboutYourHorse.horseSex.text}}
Height in hands: {{horse_Form.aboutYourHorse.horseHeight}}
{{horse_Form.aboutYourHorse.stableName}} is: Owned by you On loan to you
Date purchased: Start of loan: {{ | dateSuffix}} {{horse_Form.aboutYourHorse.datePurchased.month}} {{horse_Form.aboutYourHorse.datePurchased.year}}
Purchase price: {{horse_Form.aboutYourHorse.purchasePrice | currency:'£':0}}
Current value: {{horse_Form.aboutYourHorse.horseSumInsured | currency:'£':0}}

About you

Title: {{horse_Form.aboutYou.title.text}}
First name: {{horse_Form.aboutYou.firstName}}
Last name: {{horse_Form.aboutYou.lastName}}
Date of birth: {{ | dateSuffix}} {{horse_Form.aboutYou.dateOfBirth.month}} {{horse_Form.aboutYou.dateOfBirth.year}}
Contact number: {{horse_Form.aboutYou.phoneNumber}}
Address: {{horse_Form.aboutYou.yourAddress.houseNameNumber}} {{horse_Form.aboutYou.yourAddress.streetAddress}} {{horse_Form.aboutYou.yourAddress.streetAddress2}}
{{}} {{horse_Form.aboutYou.yourAddress.county}} {{horse_Form.aboutYou.yourAddress.postCode}}
Email: {{horse_Form.aboutYou.emailAddress}}

Cover for {{ horse_Form.aboutYourHorse.stableName }}

Included in your quote

Activity group {{horse_Form.selag+1}} includes

{{a.text}} - activities above plus:
  • {{groupsstep}}

Your quote (Includes {{quotes.quotes[0].discount}} cover)

Monthly or Annually
£{{quotes.quotes[0].firstMonthlyPremium | number: 2}}£{{quotes.quotes[0].monthlyPremium | number: 2}}   £{{quotes.quotes[0].annualPremium | number: 2}}

First payment of £{{quotes.quotes[0].firstMonthlyPremium | number: 2}} followed by {{quotes.quotes[0].numberOfSuccessiveInstallments}} monthly instalments of £{{quotes.quotes[0].monthlyPremium | number: 2}} (0% APR)
All premiums quoted include Insurance Premium Tax (IPT).

Activity group {{horse_Form.selag+1}} includes:
  • {{a.text}}

    - activities above plus:

    • {{groupsstep}}
Edit Activity Group

For your own benefit and protection, please read the Terms and Conditions carefully. If you have any questions or would like further information, please call 0330 102 1614.

Opt In Selections

If you are not happy with the cover you have selected, you have 14 days from the day you receive your documents to cancel the policy and receive a full refund.

If you cancel at any other time, we will refund any premium you have paid for the period after the cancellation date.

The Petplan Charitable Trust

The Petplan Charitable Trust provides funding for a number of animal welfare projects and grants to rescue and rehoming centres.

Learn more about the Petplan Charitable Trust.

Please choose whether you wish to make a donation to the Petplan Charitable Trust
Opt Out Post Selection

Horse Insurance

Demands and needs - Who is this product suitable for?

The product you have chosen meets the demands and needs of a person who wants to cover:

  • The value of their horse if he/she dies due to an injury or illness
  • The costs of veterinary treatment for illnesses and injuries affecting their horse and who wants each illness and injury to be covered for 12 months only

You can save and print this information

Demands and needs - Who is this product suitable for?

This product meets the demands and needs of a person who wants to cover:

  • The value of their horse if he/she dies due to an injury or illness

You can save and print this information

Included in your quote

{{quote.title | replaceCurrency}}
{{cover.title | replaceCurrency}}
{{cover.advisory | replaceCurrency}}

Important information

It is important to us that you fully understand your cover. Please read:

  • Your Insurance Product Information Document which provides a summary of your cover
  • The Terms and Conditions

Optional benefits

Your additional benefits added to your policy

Third Party Liability: {{ quotes.quotes[0].optionalCovers.covers[1].options[0].text | replaceCurrency }}
Third Party Liability: {{ quotes.quotes[0].optionalCovers.covers[1].options[1].text | replaceCurrency }}
Third Party Liability: {{ quotes.quotes[0].optionalCovers.covers[1].options[2].text | replaceCurrency }}
Personal Accident: {{ quotes.quotes[0].optionalCovers.covers[2].options[0].text | replaceCurrency }}
Personal Accident: {{ quotes.quotes[0].optionalCovers.covers[2].options[1].text | replaceCurrency }}
Loss Of Use: {{ quotes.quotes[0].optionalCovers.covers[3].options[0].text | replaceCurrency }}
Loss Of Use: {{ quotes.quotes[0].optionalCovers.covers[3].options[1].text | replaceCurrency }}
Disposal cover: {{ quotes.quotes[0].optionalCovers.covers[4].options[0].text | replaceCurrency }}
Saddlery and tack cover: £{{ quotes.quotes[0].optionalCovers.covers[5].defaultValue }} (A £100 excess applies in the event of a claim)
Trailer cover: Type of vehicle: {{ horse_Form.horseQuote.trailerCoverData.vehicleType.text }}, Make of vehicle: {{ horse_Form.horseQuote.trailerCoverData.vehicleMake }}, Model of vehicle: {{ horse_Form.horseQuote.trailerCoverData.vehicleModel }}, Purchase price: £{{ horse_Form.horseQuote.trailerCoverData.purchasePrice }}, Current value: £{{ horse_Form.horseQuote.trailerCoverData.sumInsured }}

Your quote

Includes {{quotes.quotes[0].discount}} cover

Monthly or Annually
£{{quotes.quotes[0].firstMonthlyPremium | number: 2}}£{{quotes.quotes[0].monthlyPremium | number: 2}}   £{{quotes.quotes[0].annualPremium | number: 2}}

First payment of £{{quotes.quotes[0].firstMonthlyPremium | number: 2}} followed by {{quotes.quotes[0].numberOfSuccessiveInstallments}} monthly instalments of £{{quotes.quotes[0].monthlyPremium | number: 2}} (0% APR)
All premiums quoted include Insurance Premium Tax (IPT).

Demands and needs - Who is this product suitable for?

This product meets the demands and needs of a person who wants to cover:

  • The value of their horse if he/she dies due to an injury or illness
  • The costs of veterinary treatment for illnesses and injuries affecting their horse and who wants each illness and injury to be covered for 12 months only

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Demands and needs - Who is this product suitable for?

This product meets the demands and needs of a person who wants to cover:

  • The value of their horse if he/she dies due to an injury or illness

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Review and confirm

Here's a summary of your personalised quote, including all options you have selected.

About {{ horse_Form.aboutYourHorse.stableName }}

Stable name: {{horse_Form.aboutYourHorse.stableName}}
Registered name: {{horse_Form.aboutYourHorse.registeredName}}
Breed: {{horse_Form.aboutYourHorse.horseBreeddisplay}}
Colour: {{horse_Form.aboutYourHorse.horseColordisplay}}
Age: {{horse_Form.aboutYourHorse.horseAge.text}}
Sex: {{horse_Form.aboutYourHorse.horseSex.text}}
Height in hands: {{horse_Form.aboutYourHorse.horseHeight}}
{{horse_Form.aboutYourHorse.stableName}} is: Owned by you On loan to you
Date purchased: Start of loan: {{ | dateSuffix}} {{horse_Form.aboutYourHorse.datePurchased.month}} {{horse_Form.aboutYourHorse.datePurchased.year}}
Purchase price: {{horse_Form.aboutYourHorse.purchasePrice | currency:'£':0}}
Current value: {{horse_Form.aboutYourHorse.horseSumInsured | currency:'£':0}}

About you

Title: {{horse_Form.aboutYou.title.text}}
First name: {{horse_Form.aboutYou.firstName}}
Last name: {{horse_Form.aboutYou.lastName}}
Date of birth: {{ | dateSuffix}} {{horse_Form.aboutYou.dateOfBirth.month}} {{horse_Form.aboutYou.dateOfBirth.year}}
Contact number: {{horse_Form.aboutYou.phoneNumber}}
Address: {{horse_Form.aboutYou.yourAddress.houseNameNumber}} {{horse_Form.aboutYou.yourAddress.streetAddress}} {{horse_Form.aboutYou.yourAddress.streetAddress2}}
{{}} {{horse_Form.aboutYou.yourAddress.county}} {{horse_Form.aboutYou.yourAddress.postCode}}
Email: {{horse_Form.aboutYou.emailAddress}}

Cover for {{ horse_Form.aboutYourHorse.stableName }}

Included in your quote

Activity group {{horse_Form.selag+1}} includes

{{a.text}} - activities above plus:
  • {{groupsstep}}

Your quote (Includes {{quotes.quotes[0].discount}} cover)

Monthly or Annually
£{{quotes.quotes[0].firstMonthlyPremium | number: 2}}£{{quotes.quotes[0].monthlyPremium | number: 2}}   £{{quotes.quotes[0].annualPremium | number: 2}}

First payment of £{{quotes.quotes[0].firstMonthlyPremium | number: 2}} followed by {{quotes.quotes[0].numberOfSuccessiveInstallments}} monthly instalments of £{{quotes.quotes[0].monthlyPremium | number: 2}} (0% APR)
All premiums quoted include Insurance Premium Tax (IPT).

Your premium

If you require a paper copy of your quote, please contact us on 0330 102 1614

Payment options

You can pay your premium monthly by Direct Debit, or annually by Direct Debit.

Paying monthly spreads the cost over the year and with 0% APR it won't cost you any extra.

Payment type
Monthly payment
Annual payment
Direct Debit

To make paying your claims faster and easier we require your bank details not just your card details which a direct debit gives us.

Credit/Debit Card
Pay by Direct Debit

In order to set up your Direct Debit Instruction online, you need to be the holder of a personal account or have a joint account that does not require both account holders to authorise Direct Debits.

If you have a joint account where both account holders are required to authorise Direct Debits, please call us on 0330 102 1614 as you will need to submit a paper Direct Debit Instruction (PDF).

Please enter account holder's name
You've reached the maximum number of characters
Please enter account number
You've reached the maximum number of characters
Please enter branch sort code
You've reached the maximum number of characters
Please enter your preferred payment day
Please choose which day of the month you would like to pay your premium. Your first payment will be taken within the next 10 days and subsequent payments will be taken on your chosen date.Please choose which day of the month you would like to pay your premium. Your first payment will be taken within the next 10 days and subsequent payments will be taken on your chosen date.

Direct Debit Guarantee

  • The Guarantee is offered by all banks and building societies that accept instructions to pay Direct Debits
  • If there are any changes to the amount, date or frequency of your Direct Debit the organisation will notify you (normally 10 working days) in advance of your account being debited or as otherwise agreed. If you request the organisation to collect a payment, confirmation of the amount and date will be given to you at the time of the request
  • If an error is made in the payment of your Direct Debit, by the organisation or your bank or building society, you are entitled to a full and immediate refund of the amount paid from your bank or building society
  • If you receive a refund you are not entitled to, you must pay it back when the organisation asks you to
  • You can cancel a Direct Debit at any time by simply contacting your bank or building society. Written confirmation may be required. Please also notify the organisation.

Unless you contact us, at renewal we will automatically take payment for your renewal premium from the direct debit details you have most recently provided.

Your payment details
Bank or building society name
{{ horse_Form.payments.annualDebit.bName }}
Branch name
{{ horse_Form.payments.annualDebit.branchName }}
Direct Debit
Pay by Credit or Debit Card
Please enter your name


As you have chosen to pay by Credit card or Debit card, any payments owed to you will be paid by cheque.

Please enter your house name or number
Please enter your postcode

Card payment

Thank you for choosing Petplan Equine
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